Once you start focusing on healing… you wake up to the World around you.
You see all the little ways in which you life your life that are GREATLY impacting your health.
The health of your mind,
The health of your body,
The health of your heart,
& The health of your soul.
There are 5 things that I have learned that have GREATLY shifted my life during this healing processes and I want to share them with you:
1) Our voice. How many women feel scared when it comes to the expression of their voice? This wounding stems from patriarchy and the genocide of healers, midwives, sages, etc.
2) Our Periods are Powerful. Our blood contains the most healing stem cells. The way we look at our period, can make or break our relationship with our own bodies. Knowing we can sync our cycle up with the moon and seasons has healed my womb and mental health in regards to my period.
3) Feminine Energy. Learning that both men and women have both masculine and feminine energy, and how feminine energy is lacking in this world. There are two kinds of feminine energy, wounded and sacred. It’s beyond liberating to feel confident expressing your sacred feminine energy.
4) Feminine community. We lose our power as a collective when we are separated. Together, we are the most powerful force in this universe. A group of women who all see each other as family. No judging, no comparing, no jealousy… only heart connectedness, resonance, and love.
5) Healing our Bodies. We’ve been lied to on the biggest scale possible. And it broke my heart to pieces when I realized that our health care system is in fact a sick care system. Once I started making better choices my body started healing. I haven’t had to go to the doctors once & before I went all the time. Not only that, both my youngest kids were born at home by water birth and they both haven’t gone to the doctors once. That’s as holistic as it gets. But I made sure I had the healthiest pregnancies I could. Zero refined sugar was the most important part. Our lives are Proof that a holistic lifestyle works.
I’ve learned so much more but I think those 5 things have made the biggest impact.
This is why I created the online group ‘The Radiance Challenge’. It’s a holistic and spiritual online group for us to grow together.
Cuz I see your radiance.
But I also honour that we are human and we struggle.
We need like minded friends who listen and can hold space for us and wrap us in a blanket of comfort when we feel like crumbling.
But I also want to be that friend who pushes you. Pushes you to take exceptional care of yourself, in whatever way that resonates with you.
Meditation, fitness you enjoy, choosing healthier options, knowing what supplements are legit, knowing when to rest and when to move your body, understanding moon phases and seasons how they affect you, connecting with your body on all levels, trusting the universe, feminine energy, prioritizing sleep, and so much more.
I sometimes host moon ceremonies too! They are my absolute fave. You won’t want to miss these free LIVE events.
Search ‘The Radiance Challenge’ on Facebook.
After completing eleven 10-week Radiance Challenge courses I have decided to switch from that program to a new video course that I am creating.
It’s going to have so many beautiful practices that I love doing. These practices make me so healthy that my body is now fully healed and thriving. I wouldn’t be who I am today without these practices.
I’d love for you to join my most recent adventure!
Head on over to the Radiance Challenge Video Course tab in the main menu, boo!